My name is Virgínia Carla. I was born in Mineiros, Goiás. I'm eighteen years old. I'm studying Language at UFG and really enjoying it. This e-portfolio is supposed for us to do our assignments for Writing Practice 2. But I think it'll be more than that 'cause we will be able to show our colleagues things we like and find out about what they like too. I hope this is going to be a tool for us to learn and interact more. 

9/16/2010 10:26:15 pm

Nice to meet you Virginia, I couldn't find your text about addictions :(

9/16/2010 10:26:25 pm

Nice flower vick! I visited your hometown two times this year. Although it's too far I like the city. Congratulations for the blog, it's really nice.

9/17/2010 04:24:52 am

Hi, Vick-pédia^^
Your weebly is so cute... I´m eager to read your text about addictions, where´s it?

9/17/2010 04:49:46 am

Hey, Vick!!! Your blog is simply great, it looks like you, cute!!! Kisses.


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